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NEW 12/9/2024: Dietary Cholesterol and the Lack of Evidence in Cardiovascular Disease

NEW 11/13/2024: Velocity Loss Is Not an Accurate Predictor of the Percentage of Completed Repetitions During the Prone Bench Pull Exercise

9/20/2024: Midlife muscle strength and human longevity up to age 100 years: a 44-year prospective study among a decedent cohort

Hypertrophic Effects of Single- Versus Multi-Joint Exercise of the Limb Muscles: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

NEW 12/9/2024: Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease

10/17/2024: Longitudinal Effects of Traditional and Rest Redistribution Set Configurations on Explosive-Strength and Strength-Endurance Manifestations

9/2/2024: A Review of Striking Force in Full-Contact Combat Sport Athletes: Effects of Different Types of Strength and Conditioning Training and Practical Recommendations

NEW 12/1/2024: Half-Squat and Jump Squat Exercises Performed Across a Range of Loads: Differences in Mechanical Outputs and Strength Deficits

10/3/2024: Practical Strategies in Developing Strength and Plyometric Training to Improve Sprinting Speed in Female Student-Athletes Within a School Curriculum

8/26/2024: A Brief Review on the Effects of the Squat Exercise on Lower-Limb Muscle Hypertrophy



NEW: 1/17/2025 Kelso's Hierarchy of Improving Running Speed

Bottom line: genetics and skill dictate much of your ability to run or move fast. There are, however, logical means by which to improve whatever ability you have provided they are safe and measurable. Wishful thinking and squandering valuable time on many conventional "speed development" drills is not the way to go.

NEW 12/26/2024: List of questionable group exercise classes

For an exercise or system of exercise to produce measurable results, it must be based on the time-proven principles of overload and progression. Anything ventured sans those principles is either 1) a recreational activity for pure enjoyment or 2) a worthless...

12/20/2024: Notes on ApoB, Cholesterol, and Fat

Some basics to apply to your diet plan.

12/1/2024: Kelso's Hierarchy of Fat Loss

All factors being equal, the priorities for rational fat loss.

11/22/2024: Effective Strength Training Workout Formats (with full recovery days)

You need 48 to 72 hours FOR COMPLETE RECOVERY if you want results. You could train every day if a novice, but you will eventually (a few weeks) experience diminishing returns, injuries, and illness. 

Train hard, eat well, and sleep like a baby. THOSE DAYS OFF ARE WHEN YOUR BODY GROWS/ADAPTS.

11/14/2024: Kelso's Hierarchy of Strength

To become stronger, here is how to do it in the order of importance.

11/1/2024: Slow and Fast Glycolysis

A thorough but relatively simple explanation of slow and fast glycolysis.

10/17/2024: Strength Training Program Repetition Guidelines Based On Genetic Traits.

The HYPOTHETICAL Optimal Number of Repetitions to Perform Based on Neurological Ability, Muscle Fiber Type, and Fiber Distribution

10/3/2024: T.H.F.W.E.

No confusion here. One gut-wrenching, ball-busting, and WTF workout.

10/2024: The Difference Between Lactic Acid and Lactate

LA vs. Lactate: Not the same.

9/2024: Human energy perspective

Overview of human energy and approximate source(s).

Better Health & Longevity Tips

Tips for living a healthy and productive lifestyle (and adding years to your existentence).

Another Case for Training Harder and Resting Longer in Strength Training

Don't be that gym mullet who unnecessarily “does things” (half-assed) 5-6 days/week for 90+ minutes each session. If you are, you’re either not truly working hard, or you are WAY overtraining.

Great results can be obtained TRAINING HARD fewer days/week and in less amount of time per session. If you disagree with me, I’d be happy to show you otherwise.

Here's The Deal When It Comes To Fat Loss

Here it is...

Bottom Line on Simple Sugars and the Need for Strength Training

Flow chart depicting the reality of carb intake and benefits of strength training for fat loss.

Losing fat & improving physique

Work Hard - Rest Easy

# Intervals + Work:Rest Options

Options when designing Circuit, Boot Camp, and Interval programs.

Fat Metabolism

Simplified overview of fat metabolism.

Carbohydrate Metabolism

Simplified overview of carbohydrate metabolism.

Protein Metabolism

Simplified overview of protein metabolism.

50 grams of protein options

Single and multiple sources of food choices that provide ~50 grams of protein.

Calculating Daily Protein Intake

Sample protein intake for a 30 year-old, 5'-8", 190 lbs. male

Healthy Grocery Shopping Options

List of healthy (and unhealthy) options when grocery shopping.

Physical Activity Calories per Unit of Time

Estimated calorie usage for various activities over various time periods.


Sensible Training Advice | Strength And Muscle Weight Gain | Fat Loss | Basic Nutrition Tips | Sport-Specific Training | Endurance Conditioning

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