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Short-Term Heavy Resistance Training Eliminates Age-Related Deficits in Muscle Mass and Strength in Healthy Older Males
Candow, Darren G., Chilibeck, Philip D., Abeysekara, Saman and Zello, Gordon A.
Purpose: To determine whether short-term heavy resistance training (RT) in healthy older men could eliminate deficits in muscle mass and strength (ST) compared with healthy younger men.
Conclusions: Healthy older men can be prescribed a whole-body heavy RT program to substantially increase muscle mass and ST to levels similar to young, active individuals.
IN PLAIN ENGLISH: Strength training is a missing link in many exercise programs that offers MANY benefits, but it is often overlooked by many. Priority number one: hit the gym whether you are 20, 40, 60 or 80 years of age.
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